Under the topic of “Optical Illusions” the second project weekend 2021 took place at the Skateschule Munich on the 25. and 26. November as the first winter and indoor event of the series.
The participants were given the opportunity to design and paint walls within the skatepark, all surrounding the topic of “optical illusions”. Together with the artists Alina Desler and Mariam Gosibat they created artworks, exploring the topic not only from an artistic side but also from a social perspective. The female skateboarders where therewith able to express themselves verbally and asrtistivcally and also becoming part of the skatepark and enhancing the feeling of belonging to the place, picking up the topic from the summer “This place is mine too”.
Free skate workshops were offered in the afternoon, for beginners as well as advanced.
After the workshops, as well as again on Saturday, an Open Session took place where the girls could demonstrate their newly learned skills and skate together. They could also win lots of prizes by Vans, Soundboks and Eastpak.
The vibe was amazing and the girls challenged each other into landing (new) tricks and everyone cheered each other on.
We’re already looking forward to the next event in 2022!